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Family Bike Ride

Family Reunification Process

TEAHE's principal belief is that if a family is to thrive as a productive and successful family unit in today’s society; each family must begin and end with a strong family foundation, at the head is a dual leadership team commonly known as the father and mother, followed by their children, then come the family beliefs supported by both rules and guidelines within the family structure that fosters all-around positive family reinforcement.



TEAHE believe families should be together, and in many cases family problems can, and should be corrected, and we have put in place a program known as the “Family Reunification step by step process” in which our staff members, work closely with the custodial/non-custodial parents, courts system, DCS, and foster care parents in an effort to reunite as many parents and children back together in safe and very timely manner base on federal, state, and local laws; utilizing a designed process, including interviews, counseling, teambuilding, visitations, real life exercises, and finally a series of steps toward family reconstruction of family values, mutual respect to reunification approximately (180) day process to (360) days or more depending on the severity of each individual case.


TEAHE principal belief is that, if one is to thrive as a productive and successful family in today’s society; each family must begin and end with a strong family foundation, at the head is a dual leadership team commonly known as the Mother and Father, followed by their children, then come the family beliefs supported by both rules and guidelines within the family structure. It is these rules and guidelines that will set the tone for a family’s path to both many proud moments and successes, or many sleepless nights and countless disappointments.


We at TEAHE are in tune with families built for succeeding, and we feel that at times, some family members are just not going to get it right the first time, and truly deserve a second chance; when it comes to building and keeping a loving and happy home, where their children can learn and grow-up as productive citizens, going on to make positive contributions to society. Some family’s need a little help getting it right, after they are torn apart by drugs, alcohol, neglect, abuse, court orders, divorce, or by an agreed upon separations.


We at TEAHE believe it is the child(ren) who, suffering most during any family separation, no matter how short or long, the child(ren) will suffer both mental and physically, the longer the time-lapse, the greater the risk of these children being fast tracked to a life of mental and physical scars. Our goal is to always save, and reunite families, so join or call us today as we work together, to improve America's family life or your personal family life one step at a time.

For Help or Consultation within (72) hours Join & Email us at:




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