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Outdoor Dinner

TEAHE Kids Dinner Table

Understanding 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 in the U.S. are currently going to bed hungry each night, hunger is an issue that we can't afford to ignore.

But did you know that an empty belly isn't the only way to define it? Malnutrition is another side to the complex issue of hunger with potentially long-lasting implications, as research shows that poor nutrient diets impact a child's school performance and their overall cognitive development.


"Feed not only my mind knowledge and words of wisdom, but feed my hungry soul, for my belly is empty and my body is weak, no wonder I can't think nor even sleep! Please oh please give me some food to eat."

With 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 in the U.S. going to bed hungry each night, hunger is an issue that we can't afford to ignore.

But did you know that an empty belly isn't the only way to define it? Malnutrition is another side to the complex issue of hunger with potentially long-lasting implications, as research shows that poor nutrient diets impact a child's school performance and their overall cognitive development.

NBC Today Show's Al Roker hosted "Child Hunger Ends Here

TEAHE provides hot dinner to community kids each evening, many of which it may be they’re only meal of the evening, it is our goal to make sure no TEAHE kid goes to bed on an empty belly, and when it is learned that we have a possible family in need of assistance, we will be there to ensure we put that family on the right path to all available sources of help! No kid should ever go hungry, and they won't at our TEAHE community locations.


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