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Kids in Preschool

One Million Kids Savers Club

The "One Million Plus Youth Life Saver’s Sponsorship Campaign" is designed for community partners to join forces in making a difference in local communities, the opportunity to show we see, understand, and are uniting across state lines, taking the necessary steps to save underserved youth, by partnering with a growing effort to one million plus strong child supporters, paying a child's lab fees, with each monthly sponsorship of 19.95 or $239 annually, making a small but powerful contribution towards a specified or adopted child's path to scholarliness.

Community In Action Team "Supporting" (Grades 1-12)

The One Million +Plus Youth Life Saver’s Sponsorship Campaign is designed for community partners to join forces in making a difference in local communities, the opportunity to show we see, understand, and are uniting across state lines, taking the necessary steps to save underprivileged at-risk youth, by partnering with A Million +Plus Team Strong, and making a small but powerful, contribution of 19.95 monthly. Upon becoming a donor, you will be sponsoring (free) positive alternative center programs to those between the ages of 6 and 18; who’s daily lives overlap the boundaries of: poverty, low income, drugs, gangs, alcoholism, domestic abuse, or sexual abuse; your support will also help to eliminate many other negative factors that would contribute to the demise of these individuals’ safety and educational growth to total self-realization, supporting many, many, children including many being pulled from the brinks, currently being served and cared for in foster homes across America. 

Why is “T.E.A.H.E.” Requesting This Community Partnership?




  • Every child is a gold mine just waiting to be discovered, and each deserve every opportunity to be the producer of the riches mind ever discovered.


  • It takes a village to raise a child- it’s our community responsibility to provide the supports and resources for children and families to improve and thrive.


  • With services, facilities, and supports in place “free” for community children, family functioning can improve, resulting in, crisis and abuse reductions and prevention.

WHO can be TEAHE Community Partners?


  • Municipalities, social services and youth agencies, churches, caring businesses, and corporations, mental health services, schools, park districts, neighbors, individuals and groups willing to help make neighborhoods supportive, resourceful, and safe places for children to thrive.


  • Services are arranged through a partnership between families in need, TEAHE, and their community partnership/support networks

    • It’s Time for One Million +Plus to step up for teen Safety

    • It’s Time for One Million +Plus Adults to unite for positivity

    • It’s Time for One Million +Plus to unite against abuse

    • It’s Time for One Million +Plus to unite against drugs

    • It’s Time for One Million +Plus to unite against gangs

    • It’s Time for One Million +Plus to be heard around the nation

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