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Successful family life, must include getting along, communicating, and family members having a love for one another, greater than that, of any other, because they understand, they will need one another when times are ruff, and because family is the essence of life itself and deserves to be preserved above all else.
When sponsoring a T.E.A.H.E. family lab, you will help continue our effort of provide low income community families, with the joy of knowing his/her family extend far beyond the grounds of home, providing support during critical family growth times can mean the most to a youth who needs direction. Teaching a child, that parents are there for them at all times.
FAQ. If  I/My company donate to families in need, will we be recognized and rewarded by program advertisement, and business growth support?
All year long, even during off sport season, our youth, will distribute all supplied ad materials,at all club/sport locations, and national events, display supplied Banners at all game location and during travel, you will also be included in all T.E.A.H.E. INC newsletters, and printed materials, as well as all websites, and links
You can sponsor as many family labs as much as you would like, show your support of a stronger dads role in the life of his children, Contact us for more details.


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