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Brick house

72-Hour Safe Place Living Space

At times parents and kids don’t see eye to eye, kid's rebel and think they don’t need the love and safety of their parents, and then, at other times kids realize the dangers of living in an abusive situation could become life threatening, or just too unbearable; running away in a child’s mind seems to always, be the easiest answer to a quick fix in dealing with things they might feel are residential problems they may be facing. 


At times parents and kids don’t see eye to eye, kids’ rebel and think they don’t need the love and safety of their parents, and then, at other times kids realize the dangers of living in an abusive situation could become life threatening, or just too unbearable; running away in a child’s mind seems to always, be the easiest answer to a quick fix in dealing with the problems their facing.


Many children love their parents/caregivers, and don’t know where or who to turn too in times of trouble; they know that physical, sexual, verbal, and mental abuse is not right, but how do they tell and still live in the same home. Many kids just take to the streets in search of the love they are not receiving at home. These youth don’t realize, the dangers, outside of the home may be even greater than those in the home, pimps, drug dealer, gangs, and people not having their best interest at heart are lurking around every corner and will cause irreversible damage to a child if we are not there to protect them at every turn.


TEAHE Inc. is working with federal, state, and local agencies, and is committed to the safety of all children, and will be vigilant in identifying and recovering any youth who is a known/suspected runaway, homeless, committing truancy, or appear to be in trouble, lost, or confused.  at such time our personnel make contact and identify a possible problem; we will immediately be notifying local law enforcement, DCS, and all other proper authorities, including all known parents/caretakers and finally we document details.


In addition will work with all local police departments to provide 72-hour Accommodations for youth who are runaways, lost, homeless, removed from the home, and need to be housed in temporary shelter/supervised care; until DCS, Parents, and other parties involved can be notified and the recovery process is completed.


“The Promise”


Time after time, Lord you’ve made a way when peace I could not find. No peace in the home, no peace in the streets, though peace I seek for my heart and mind, without you in my life made it hard to find.


In a world so harsh and cold you’ve made me into a strong, tough soul, with a story apparently untold. A story of a promise I once made to you, but when the trials and tribulations were over, I clearly forgot about too.


Lord, I began to wonder at times when I needed you the most, what if you conveniently forgot to stand your post. Where would I go and where would I be, if you were not there standing right beside me?


Filling the void of a troubled heart, making things possible that seemed, so hard. Coming into my life and giving me a brand-new start, not never once forsaking me from the promise I made you, merely weeks apart.


Shackled hands and feet are still not an excuse for unfulfilling this promise I intended to keep. Satan thought he had me chained and bound, but it was the promise you made to me lord; that gave me peace which completely turned my life around.


LaJewel M. Jackson

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