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TEAHE Scholarships

Dear Graduating Seniors and Parents,


Welcome to the Active Youth In Motion Scholarship Program! 


In 2035, the "TEAHE Active Youth IN Motion" Scholarship Program will offer approximately $530,000 in funds to children of program parents who enrolled child in the 2023 startup program and each year thereafter, these youth will be eligible to compete for funds based solely on merit and overall child performance in the AYIM enrichment programs throughout the nation, specifically youth who are graduating from high school and continuing their education at a four-year college, university, trade school, or accredited institution.  TEAHE Active Youth In Motion a 501c3 Nonprofit organization (“AYIM”) provide enrichment services that broadens one's knowledge base and life skills, while enhancing the leadership toolbox for a safe, productive and successful career in any environment or community throughout the nation or world. The AYIM program shares a common mission with parents, community, and public safety officials: to improve the safety and quality of life making services available to every family and child in need of a positive helping hand to individual schlorliness.


TEAHE AYIM will offers twenty annual full internal scholarships (a minimum of $24,000 each) and two national external scholarship ($4,000 each). The applications of the National External Scholarship recipient will also be submitted to the "National Awareness Competition Scholarship" competition, which offers twenty ($2,000) scholarship. A very special thanks to our industry partner, for supporting the TEAHE Scholarship Program along with our 11 regional chapters.


We applaud your perseverance and persistence as you pushed your way towards graduation despite the challenges of the past 12 years, but you withstood the challenge of changed circumstances and are now moving on to the next phase of your academic career.


We are proud to stand with you on your journey and acknowledge your accomplishments by offering this scholarship program while at the same time recognizing and honoring the vital role that community enrichment programs play in changing lives, directions, and mindsets of youth who are unsure too sure of the abilities they possess for a chance at landing the desired career and providing for a family while making positive contributions throughout their community and nation.


One of the unique aspects of the AYMS scholarship and stipend program is the type essay to be submitted by each of you discussing how your life was impacted by the AYIM program experience help to shaped your core values, influenced the choices you made during the program and into young adulthood, and finally how being a part of the AYIM family has helped you to develop the qualities that led to your success throughout high school. The essay is scored on precise content, compliance with the essay requirements, grammar, and punctuation.


The Youth Scholarship Program requires and rewards students who excel academically, are active in TEC-CELL community service development program, and participate in after school/weekend clubs, leadership programs, camps, and extracurricular activities. (be involved, loose yourself in positive actions)


We thank you for your application and wish you the very best in your academic endeavors.






The National Foundation of TEAHE will provide to individuals academic scholarships, based on our enrichment areas of concentration for at-risk youth participating in our enrichment program centers. The areas of study which qualify consist of:

  • The Arts

  • Education

  • Humanities

  • Vocational

  • Industrial

  • Technical

  • Scientific

  • Any other area that meets our requirements and does not compromise our bylaws and status as a nonprofit entity.

Reading a Book

TEAHE Scholarship Program

Every year beginning with the graduating class of 2035, TEAHE Inc. will offer approximately $530,000 in college scholarships to actively participating children within its “Active Youth In Motion Programs” A 501c3 non-profit organization serving youth across the nation.

     The National THAHE Scholarship Program will be:

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