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"Yes" We Care!
Give The Gifts Of Empowerment 

All youth participating in the "Active Youth In Motion" program are provided service regardless of financial status. No participant is ever denied service due to an inability to pay. We offer a "sliding fee scale based on income" to participants based on Federal Poverty Levels, set forth by the most recent published Federal Poverty Guidelines.


It is our mission to service all children regardless of income, race, creed, religion, or national origin of parents seeking safe enriching experience in a safe secure environment in which their child can flourish and this effort depends highly on the generosity of our established individual donors, one million plus lifesavers, small business, and Corporate 31 Plus support organizations, as we provide daily labs and events, which each is encouraged to adopt cause(s), and support each hold heartly as an individual, organization, small business, or corporation.


It's as simple a child to a lab, a garment for a foster child, food for a hot meal before bedtime, or a family reunification session, sporting events, or transportation to an event, so many areas which will make this program a community success one city at a time.    

How Your Sponsorship Will Change Young Lives

Active Youth In Motion is grateful for support and sponsorships for all arena's affecting the lives of our children, as they are participants deriving form many different economic backgrounds in  life, and many could not even begin at such a young tender age, afford nor understand the enormous cost dedicated to their personal growth and positive action experience, in order to provide each with every opportunity to become the best scholarly person he/she can be, together we can foster our enormous commitment to community improvement and overall positive youth growth.  


It is your support and consistent generosity that continuously help us to provide such positive action program labs (such as Reading, Writing, City Government, Optometry, Graphic Design, Robotics, Money Management, Math, Science, Diversity, Community Revitalization, etc.) which will change lives into positives community deposits of the future on an ongoing basis's.


We would be honored, and so proud if you choose to support our cause of using all of our resources and energies in directing children from every walk of life, utilizing their strengths to help build others, while eliminating their known weaknesses by inspiring personal growth through academic tutoring, technical skills training, as well as utilizing strengths of  of others all in the care of TEAHE Hub professions who know it takes a community to raise a child, and a commitment to ensuring the foundation on which they stand is as solid as a rock.      

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